Scratch Nativity
Everyone is invited to come along dressed as a nativity character to play their part in the Nativity story.
Fire & Gold
Fire and Gold is a monthly Sunday evening opportunity for stillness and Christian contemplation.
Social Sunday
On the first Sunday of each month we bring some food along and share a meal together after the 11.30am Sanctuary service.
Carol service
Rev Nick Watson will preach at our carol service and Women of Worth choir will sing. There will also be a Sunday School for the children.
Winterfest in Hulme
We will be hosting events for all the family at Ascension as part of the annual Winterfest in Hulme in partnership with Z-Arts.
Christmas event with the Amos Trust: Steal all the Flowers
An evening of poetry, music, film and conversation.
Fire & Gold
Fire and Gold is a monthly Sunday evening opportunity for stillness and Christian contemplation.
Social Sunday
On the first Sunday of each month we bring some food along and share a meal together after the 11.30am Sanctuary service.
Fire & Gold
Fire and Gold is a monthly Sunday evening opportunity for stillness and Christian contemplation.
Rising Tides: Official Launch Day
1pm If you change the system, change the system
2.30pm Creative Workshops
4pm There is no planet B - Amos Trust in partnership with CIPAD with representatives from Nicaragua
5.30pm Communal meal
7pm A Citizen’s assembly with Andy Smith and Lynsey O’Sullivan - interactive play
In memory of Viraj Mendis
A gathering to remember Viraj Mendis will take place during our mid-week Eucharist. Refreshments will be served afterwards.
Fire & Gold
Fire and Gold is a monthly Sunday evening opportunity for stillness and Christian contemplation.
Social Sunday
On the first Sunday of each month we bring some food along and share a meal together after the 11.30am Sanctuary service.
Social Sunday
On the first Sunday of each month we bring some food along and share a meal together after the 11.30am Sanctuary service.
Fire & Gold
Fire and Gold is a monthly Sunday evening opportunity for stillness and Christian contemplation.
Social Sunday
On the first Sunday of each month we bring some food along and share a meal together after the 11.30am Sanctuary service.
Our planet, our home
A night of world artists. Music, dance and creativity from around the globe. Part of our Safe Harbour series of events for Refugee Week.
Free tickets and more info here:
Safe Harbour: Events at Ascension during Refugee Week
Remembering those seeking sanctuary as part of events during Refugee Week
Fire & Gold
Fire and Gold is a monthly Sunday evening opportunity for stillness and Christian contemplation.
Social Sunday
On the first Sunday of each month we bring some food along and share a meal together after the 11.30am Sanctuary service.