Caring for Creation

Our commitment to caring for God’s creation

We know God as Love and as our Creator and Sustainer who calls us to love our neighbour. So, we have a responsibility to care for God’s creation including all earth’s people. As Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, has said

“Responding to climate change is an essential part of our responsibility to safeguard God’s creation.”

Science shows us that the world is facing a climate emergency and that global temperatures are projected to continue rising. Many of the poorest and most vulnerable people are already suffering as the climate changes. The need to take action to limit climate change is urgent now. As a local church at The Ascension Church, Hulme, and as individual Christians we aim to take all practical steps that we can to safeguard and help to sustain the life of the earth. Included below are the policy that our church council agreed and some useful links. If you would like to be involved please contact us and join us.

Our Environment Policy - link to document here

What can I do? Here are useful links with suggestions for actions you and your household can take now:

Action on climate change – 9 things you can do

What can I do to stop climate change?

Simple steps to make a difference

How to reduce food waste

Support with lifestyle changes

How to calculate the carbon footprint for your household

How can I learn more?

Christianity & climate change – a series of films by a climate scientist

Why you should act

How can I get further involved?

Christian Climate Action – taking direct non-violent action

Green Christians – promoting prayer, hope and action