Come What May: Learning new skills at locally-led workshops

Credit: Rachel Bywater

Saturday was an opportunity for the community to come together to have fun and learn new skills at an array of locally-led workshops. People brought along old clothes to turn them into clothes and rugs with the craft collective Stitched Up.

Credit: Rachel Bywater

Credit: Rachel Bywater

Charity Cracking Good Food were teaching budget cooking skills and helping families to engage with cooking skills. We enjoyed eating the food afterwards too!

Credit: Rachel Bywater

For those who like music, XR Samba were offering the chance to learn drumming skills and were making a proper noise in the courtyard - no holding back! For community members who fancied getting arty, there was a chance to try tote bag screen printing out in the sunshine.

Credit: Rachel Bywater

Credit: Rachel Bywater

Bike skills were being taught by expert The Bike Saviour who offered the chance to bring your bike along to learn basic bike maintenance, followed by a local ride around the area. Communal singing was led beautifully by Soul Sounds and helped to create a wonderfully enriching experience for all.