Fire & Gold Contemplation Workshop

In November we had our second Contemplation workshop at Ascension Church. The workshop was led by Ashley and Anna who lead the church’s weekly Fire & Gold contemplation space on Sunday evenings.

For a year we have been meeting together in the church’s Sanctuary area for an hour of stillness and contemplation. The workshop was a new idea with the purpose of providing an opportunity for people to come together, have a go at creating our own contemplations using the resources provided, and also to talk a little about our developing contemplative journeys.

Within the two hour workshop we had time in quietness as well as time to share our reflections. Some of us chose to use books to help inspire our contemplations, others used postcards of art, items from nature like shells and stones or a prayer labyrinth.

Some people began creating contemplations on a theme which they intend to continue outside the group and which we may use in future Fire & Gold contemplation sessions. Other people preferred to use the time to reflect on their own developing contemplative practices like lectio divina and visio divina.

Feedback on the contemplation workshop was very positive so we intend to plan them more often to allow our contemplative practices to grow and for our sense of community to deepen.

Anna France-Williams