ENVIRONMENT POLICY for Ascension Church, Hulme
Our Aim
As a local church and as individual Christians we aim to take all practical steps necessary in order to safeguard and to sustain the life of the earth.
As called upon by the Church of England General Synod, we will strive to work to achieve year-on-year reductions in emissions and urgently examine what would be required to reach net zero emissions by 2030 in order that a plan of action can be drawn up to achieve that target.
As a church community we affirm our intentions as follows.
· We will continually review these aims and objectives through regular meetings of the P.C.C.
· We will take environmental concerns into account in our mission, worship, pastoral, administrative and other programmes and projects.
· We will identify environmental issues in our local area and seek to devise appropriate action to address them.
· We will seek appropriate information from a Christian environmental group (eg. A Rocha, Christian Climate Action and Tearfund) and keep abreast of current thinking.
· We will undertake an ‘environmental audit’ of our premises and property and devise appropriate plans to care for them.
· We will support the work of local and national environmental organisations, as appropriate.
· We will encourage environmentally-friendly forms of transport, walking, cycling, using public transport, sharing cars, keeping journeys to meeting venues short wherever possible, and keeping fossil fuel emissions as low as we can.
· We will make an energy audit at least every three years.
· We will look for economies in heating by:
§ keeping temperatures down
§ fitting low-energy light bulbs
§ switching to ‘green’ energy suppliers
§ turning off computers and electrical appliances when not in use
· We will seek ways to reduce consumption and the impact of our activities on the environment by, wherever possible:
§ using email where possible
§ using recycled paper
§ recycling waste and if necessary take it to collection points
§ using low-environmental impact cleaning materials
§ not using disposable and plastic items
§ re-using and repairing wood and other items
§ ensuring any new equipment is from a sustainable source
· We will seek to purchase food and drink that meets the LOAF principles (Locally sourced, Organically-grown, Animal-friendly, Fairly-traded), avoid over- catering, and use seasonal foods.
· We will continue to be part of the Diocese of Manchester eco-diocese campaign.
We will continue to encourage our church members to:
· Reduce, reuse, recycle whenever practical
· Share car journeys, use public transport, walk or cycle whenever practical
· Use Fair Trade and locally sourced goods and consider the “Food miles” in purchases
· Reduce energy consumption at home
· Switch to green energy suppliers
· Use environmentally friendly cleaning and washing products in home and avoid destructive chemicals
· Conserve water: collect rainwater, attend to leaks, avoid running taps
· Compost household waste and green waste
· Take litter home and recycle where possible
· Discourage the use of excessive packaging and junk mail
· Support local shops and charity shops
· Consider borrowing or swapping before purchasing new
(adapted, with thanks, from the policy of St John’s Church, Hillingdon)